"Marketing is not something we do for people, it’s something we do for people, from people to people." The secret sauce of innovating products to market in this digital era is by humanizing technology, through emotional aspects in brand strategy. Don’t just digitize, yet humanize. People do not buy products and services. They buy relations, emotions, and stories. It is really about people. People buy technology from people, says Tika.
Tika Sylvia is the Vice President of marketing and communication at Kata.ai. She is mission-oriented and a technically sophisticated professional with over 10 years of background in various industries which include prop-tech, logistics, hospitality, and food delivery in start-up companies. She has excellent communication skills, a strong background in data-driven marketing, analytical and detail-oriented mindset, with a proven track record in productivity & efficiency.
Winning Mentality for an Individual
Tika Sylvia said that adopting the winning mentality in working spirit is something that she has learned from her former leader, a mentality for an individual who achieves greatness consistently. She believes that "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. She has tons of weaknesses, and she always welcomes someone who can complete me, playing the other musical instruments to create harmony together."
Making the team involved and valued is beyond the definition of the cliche company culture. It is a must to make the team be a part of something innovative. Everyone can help learn something, no matter who they are, no matter what their level positions are. Tika believes that the more people learn from the experiences of others (good or bad), the more they can learn when they are positioned to make decisions.
It is important to make the team understand that every single task they do, always has a purpose, value, and meaning for themselves and the company.
Inclusivity in the Working Environment
For Tika, bringing inclusivity into the working environment became the most challenging part. Though it looks like a game, being in a tech start-up company requires being ready for the changes.
She says, "There is no shortcut to being what you want to be right now, or to be one of the leaders in the start-up company". Tika started her career as a specialist marketer before, but now she chose to become ‘A Jack of Trade,’ with an understanding of a wide range of things, across a variety of integrated marketing techniques with 360 marketing growth to drive the future success of organizations. At the end of the day, whether specialist or generalist, the fundamental thing is a curiosity to fully understand an integrated marketing strategy which makes everyone need to have both a broad and depth of skills to be able to give an edge in one particular area, but also keep other options open for the future.
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